Terms and Conditions


  • 1 Introduction 1.1 Presentation of the general conditions of use

The VAVE.io site is edited and operated by Parallax Partners, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of 400 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 840 510,242 (” Parallax Partners “).

1.2 Acceptance of the T & Cs

These T & Cs govern all access to the Site and all use of the Services, by any User, regardless of their status.

Depending on their status, some Users may be required to accept special conditions supplementing these T & Cs prior to any use of the Services.

Any access or use of the Site constitutes unreserved acceptance of these T & Cs.

VAVE.io reserves the right to modify these T & Cs at any time. The modifications of the T & Cs are opposable to the users of the Site from their posting, but do not prevail over any bilateral agreements previously concluded between VAVE.io and the Users, in the event of contradiction.

Each use of the Site by the User constitutes acceptance of the latest version of the T & Cs published on the Site.

Users can express their refusal of the modified T & Cs by unsubscribing from the Site in accordance with the terms set out in these T & Cs.

  • Definition

Terms beginning with a capital letter in these T & Cs are defined below, it being specified that terms defined in the singular must also be understood in the plural.

Active means a financial security issued by an Issuer and registered in a shared electronic recording device, in accordance with Articles L. 211-3 et seq. Of the Monetary and Financial Code.

CGU designates these general conditions of use.

Club deal means any User wishing to create a private space in order to present prospects or Assets to an Issuer, through the Solution.

Issuer means any User using the Solution to issue and / or manage Assets.

Personal Space means the individualized interface allowing an Issuer or an Investor to access the Services, and access to which requires the use of a username and password.

Investor means any User who has subscribed (or been assigned) at least one Asset with an Issuer, through the Solution.

KYC Procedure means the User identification procedure carried out by VAVE.io to comply with the obligations of the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Services mean all the services provided by VAVE.io to Users through the Site and / or the Solution.

Site means the VAVE.io site

Solution has the meaning given to it in Article 5.

User means any legal or natural person accessing the Site, whether or not it uses the services provided by it. Users include in particular Issuers, Investors and Visitors.

Visitor means any user who has registered on the Site, but does not intend to use the Solution as an Issuer, Manager, club deal or as an Investor.

  • 2 Presentation of user profiles expected on VAVE.io 2.1 Contract 2.2 Services 2.3 Members, Managers Real Estate Clubs Deal and Visitors 2.4 Modification

  • 3 Personal data collected by VAVE.io

The User expressly recognizes and accepts:

– that the data collected on the site and on the computer equipment of VAVE.io is proof of the reality of the operations carried out within the framework of these presents;

– that these data constitute the only mode of proof accepted between the parties, in particular for the calculation of the sums due to VAVE.io

– have read and accepted the general confidentiality policy available on the VAVE.io site and in the appendix to these T & Cs.

The User can access this data in his Personal Space.

  • 3 Obligations dedicated to users 3.1 Right to Services 3.2 Your account 3.3 Payment according to our tariffs 3.4 Notifications and Messages 3.5 Sharing 3.6 Obligation not to disseminate information from the private areas of a club deal or the Managers

4 User declarations and commitments

Without prejudice to the other obligations provided for in these T & Cs, the User undertakes to comply with the following obligations and certifies that the following declarations are correct:

4.1. The User acknowledges that the Site is only accessible, subject to any restrictions that may be adopted by VAVE.io, to natural persons having full legal capacity to accept these T & Cs and to legal persons acting through the ‘intermediary of natural persons having the capacity to contract in the name and on behalf of these legal persons. A natural person who does not have full legal capacity can only access the Site with the agreement of his legal representative.

4.2. The User undertakes, in his use of the Services, to respect the laws and regulations in force and not to infringe the rights of third parties or public order.

4.3. The User acknowledges that he is solely responsible for the proper accomplishment of all administrative, fiscal and / or social formalities, and all payments of contributions, taxes or duties of any kind incumbent upon him, where applicable in relation to his use of the Services. The responsibility of VAVE.io can in no case be engaged in this respect.

4.4. The User acknowledges having read on the site the characteristics and constraints, in particular technical, of all the Services. He is solely responsible for his use of the Services.

4.5. The User acknowledges that he is solely responsible for the relationships he may establish with other Users and for the information that he will communicate to them within the framework of the Services. It is up to him to exercise the appropriate prudence and discernment in these relationships and communications. The User also undertakes to respect the usual rules of politeness and courtesy in his exchanges with other Users.

4.6. The User acknowledges that he undertakes to respect the confidentiality of all information given to him in the various private areas of the Managers or club deals.

This confidentiality agreement is unilateral and commits the user of the service who would come to access a Private space of a Manager or a club deal. He will be required to keep confidential the information communicated to him by the issuer.

Likewise, all users with a Manager or Club Deal account undertake to respect strict confidentiality on the various member users who are registered in this space. In particular, it is perfectly forbidden to report the presence within a Founding group or club deal of a natural or legal person using this space.

No documents or information transmitted by a User may be disclosed by the Manager or the Club Deal which has received its elements.

4.7. The User undertakes to make strictly personal use of the Services.

4.8. The User undertakes to provide VAVE.io with all the information necessary for the proper performance of the Services. More generally, the User undertakes to cooperate actively with VAVE.io with a view to the proper execution of these presents.

4.9 The User acknowledges that he is solely responsible for content of any kind (editorial, graphic, audiovisual or other, including the name and / or image possibly chosen by the User to identify himself on the Site) that it disseminates as part of the Services (the ” Content “).

The User guarantees VAVE.io that he has all the rights and authorizations necessary for the distribution of this Content.

He undertakes that the said Content is lawful, does not infringe public order, good morals or the rights of third parties, does not infringe any legislative or regulatory provision and more generally, is in no way likely to put in game civil or criminal liability of VAVE.io

The User is therefore prohibited from disseminating, in particular and without this list being exhaustive:

  • Pornographic, obscene, indecent, shocking or unsuitable for a family audience, defamatory, abusive, violent, racist, xenophobic or revisionist content;

  • infringing Content;

  • Content that threatens the image of a third party;

  • Content that is deceptive, deceptive or proposes or promotes illegal, fraudulent or deceptive activities;

  • Content harmful to the computer systems of third parties (such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc.); and

  • more generally, Content that may infringe the rights of third parties or be detrimental to third parties, in any way and in any form whatsoever.

4.10. The User acknowledges that the model contracts and legal acts that may be made available to him by VAVE.io within the framework of the Services do not constitute legal advice, opinions or consultations.

The User finally acknowledges that the generation by VAVE.io of said model contracts and legal acts does not exempt them from having recourse to the services of a lawyer or other legal professional authorized by law to provide consultations. legal and to draft deeds under private signature. Such a professional is the only one able to adapt the legal documentation to the precise needs of the User. The User acknowledges having been invited by VAVE.io to consult a legal professional in the context of the preparation of this legal documentation.

In any event, the User (when he is an Issuer) recognizes that the subscription by the Investors of the Assets produces legal consequences that it is up to the Issuer to assess and manage. Under no circumstances can VAVE.io be held responsible for the inability of the Issuer to honor its obligations arising from the issuance of said Assets.

4.11. The User acknowledges that it is his responsibility to take the necessary measures to safeguard by his own means the information contained in his Personal Space, of which no copy will be provided to him.

4.11. The User acknowledges that access to his Personal Space and his use of the Services may be temporarily impossible in the event of the occurrence of technical or IT malfunctions, or any case of force majeure (defined as any unforeseeable, irresistible event beyond the control by VAVE.io)

  • 5 Prohibited behaviors on the site

5.1. It is strictly forbidden to use the Services for the following purposes:

  • the exercise of illegal, fraudulent or infringing activities on the rights or safety of third parties;

  • breach of public order or violation of the laws and regulations in force;

  • intrusion into a third party’s computer system or any activity likely to harm, control, interfere with or intercept all or part of a third party’s computer system, violating its integrity or security;

  • sending unsolicited emails and / or prospecting or commercial solicitation;

  • manipulations intended to improve the referencing of a third-party site;

  • aiding or inciting, in any form and in any way, to one or more of the acts and activities described above;

  • more generally, any practice diverting the Services for purposes other than those for which they were designed,

5.2. It is strictly prohibited to use inaccurate or fraudulent information to issue Assets through the Solution.

5.3. Users are strictly prohibited from copying and / or diverting for their own ends or those of third parties the concept, technologies or any other element of the VAVE.io site.

5.4. Are also strictly prohibited:

  • (i) any behavior likely to interrupt, suspend, slow down or prevent the continuity of the Services,

  • (ii) all intrusions or attempted intrusions into VAVE.io systems

  • (iii) any misappropriation of the Site’s system resources,

  • (iv) all actions likely to impose a disproportionate load on the latter’s infrastructure,

  • (v) any breaches of security and authentication measures,

  • (vi) all acts likely to infringe the financial, commercial or moral rights and interests of VAVE.io or of the users of its site, and finally more generally

  • (vii) any breach of these general conditions.

5.5. It is strictly forbidden to monetize, sell or grant all or part of access to the Services or to the site, as well as to the information hosted and / or shared there.

  • 6 Sanctions in the event of violation of the T & Cs

In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of these T & Cs or more generally, of breach of the laws and regulations in force by a User, VAVE.io reserves the right to take any appropriate measure and in particular to:

  • suspend or terminate access to the Services of the User, author of the breach or offense, or who participated in it;

  • remove any content posted on the site;

  • publish on the site any information message that VAVE.io deems useful;

  • notify any relevant authority; and

  • initiate any legal action.

  • 7 Dos and Don’ts on VAVE.io 7.1 Do’s:

  1. comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, privacy laws, laws relating to intellectual property rights, laws relating to unsolicited e-mail, laws relating to the control of exports, tax laws and regulatory requirements;

  2. provide us with accurate information and update it;

  3. use your real name on your profile;

  4. use the Services in a professional manner.

7.2. Not to do :

  1. create a false identity on VAVE.io, forge your identity, create a Member profile for anyone other than yourself, or use or attempt to use another’s account;

  2. develop, support or use any software, devices, scripts, bots or any other means or process (including crawlers, browser plug-ins and add-ins, or any other technology) to perform web scraping of the Services or otherwise copying profiles and other data from the Services;

  3. override any security functionality or bypass or avoid any access control or use Service limits (such as limitations on keyword searches or profile views);

  4. copy, use, disclose or distribute any information obtained from the Services, whether directly or through third parties (such as search engines), without the consent of VAVE.io

  5. disclose information that you are not authorized to disclose (such as personal data of other people, including your employer);

  6. violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or any other property right. For example, do not copy or distribute (except through the sharing feature provided) posts or any content from members without their permission, which they may give by posting under a Creative Commons license;

  7. violate any intellectual property rights or other rights of VAVE.io which includes, but is not limited to:

  • copying or distributing our learning videos or other materials or

  • (ii) the copying or distribution of our technologies, unless they have been released under an open source license,

  • (iii) use of the term “VAVE.io” or our logos in a trade name, email address or URL, except as described in the Trademark Use Guidelines;

  1. post anything that contains viruses, worms or other harmful code;

  2. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, or generally attempt to obtain the source code for the Services or any related technology that is not open source;

  3. imply or declare that you are affiliated with or sponsored by VAVE.io without our express consent (for example, posing as a VAVE.io approved trainer)

  4. rent, lease, lend, market, sell / resell or otherwise monetize the Services or associated data or access them without the agreement of VAVE.io

  5. create deep links to our Services for any purpose other than promoting your profile or a group on our Services, without the consent of VAVE.io

  6. use computer bots or other automated methods to access the Services, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages;

  7. monitor the availability, performance or functionality of the Services for competitive purposes;

  8. use the technique of “framing”, of “mirroring” or, in general, to simulate the appearance or operation of the Services;

  9. cover or otherwise modify the Services or their appearance (for example by inserting elements in the Services or by removing, covering or obscuring an advertisement included on the Services);

  10. disrupt the operation of the Services or impose a disproportionate load on them (e.g. spam, denial of service attack, virus, game algorithm); and or

  11. violate the Professional Community Policies or any additional terms relating to a specific Service provided, when registering for such Service or when you first use that Service, as well as the VAVE.io terms if applicable.

  • 8 Exemption and limitation of liability for the benefit of VAVE.io

8.1 No guarantee

This constitutes our disclaimer as to the quality, safety or reliability of our Services.

VAVE.io and its affiliates make no representations or warranties regarding the services, including that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free and provide the services (including content and information) “as is ”And“ subject to availability ”. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, VAVE.io and its affiliates disclaim all implied or statutory warranties, including all implied warranties of title, data accuracy, non-infringement, merchantability or ‘suitability for a particular use.

8.2 Exclusion of liability

Limitations on Our Legal Liability to You. To the fullest extent permitted by law (and unless vave.io enters into a separate written agreement that voids this contract), vave.io, including its affiliates, will not have any liability arising out of this contract for any losses. lost profits or business opportunities, reputation (e.g. insulting or defamatory statements), loss of data (e.g. interruptions or loss of your data or content, its use, or changes made) or any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages.

VAVE.io and its affiliates will not be liable to you in connection with this contract for amounts that exceed:

  • the total amount of fees paid or payable by you to vave.io for the services during the term of this contract, if applicable, or

  • 1000 us dollars.

8.3 Basis of negotiations and exclusions

The limitations of liability in this section form part of the basis for negotiation between you and VAVE.io and apply to all claims for damages (e.g. warranty, liability, negligence, contract and law) including if VAVE .io or its affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damage, and even if such liability remedies do not fulfill their ultimate purpose.

These limitations of liability do not apply in cases of death or personal injury, fraud, gross negligence or willful misconduct, or in cases of negligence due to the breach of a material duty, an obligation substantial enough to warrant it. make the prerequisite for providing services and on which you can reasonably rely, but only to the extent that the damage was directly caused by the breach and was foreseeable at the conclusion of this Agreement and to the extent that it is typical in the context of this Agreement.

9 Description of the services offered

  • 10 Registration on the site

The use of the Services requires the User to register on the Site, by completing the form provided for this purpose. The User must provide all the information marked as mandatory. Any incomplete registration will not be validated.

The User guarantees that all the information he gives in the registration form as well as in the KYC forms is accurate, up-to-date and sincere and is not vitiated by any misleading nature. He undertakes to update this information in his Personal Space when necessary. The User also undertakes to communicate to VAVE.io at his request, any supporting documents relating to this information. The violation by a User of the obligations defined in the previous paragraph authorizes VAVE.io to take one or more measures provided for in these T & Cs. Registration automatically results in the opening of an account in the name of the User, giving him access to a Personal Space. The User can access his Personal Space at any time after identifying himself using his login identifier and password.

The User is also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his username and password. He must immediately contact VAVE.io at the contact details mentioned in these T & Cs if he notices that his account has been used by a third party without his knowledge.

  • 11 Tariffs and methods of payment

Subject to charges potentially levied on the Payment Account pursuant to article 8.3 of these T & Cs, the Services are provided to Investors and Visitors free of charge. The provision of Services to Issuers may give rise to invoicing, the terms of which will be specified in the special conditions concluded between the Issuer and VAVE.io.

  • 11 Method of underwriting assets in private club deals

  • Conditions precedent

In addition, the completion of the issue may be subject to the lifting of conditions precedent of a contractual nature, defined in advance by the Issuer. In general, fundraising operations carried out through the Solution are subject to a condition precedent relating to the achievement of a minimum subscription amount. This amount is defined by the Issuer and appears in the description of the transaction which can be consulted by Investors.

Unless otherwise stipulated in the legal documentation relating to the issue of the relevant Asset, Investors’ subscriptions are received on a conditional basis. They only become final if the aforementioned condition precedent is lifted, as well as any other condition precedent stipulated in the legal documentation. If the conditions precedent stipulated in the legal documentation relating to the issue of the Asset are not lifted, the Asset is not issued and the Investors’ subscriptions lapse. The various Investors who participated in the fundraising are then credited with the amount corresponding to their subscription by debiting the account into which the funds were paid.

11.2. Validation of Investors by the Issuer

  • Investor validation by the Issuer

The identity of Investors wishing to subscribe to an Asset being issued is communicated to the Issuer by VAVE.io

The Issuer may then decide to prohibit certain Investors from subscribing to its Assets. These choices are made through a dedicated page integrated into the Solution,

  • 12 No guarantee of investments made

The User acknowledges being aware that the subscription of financial securities issued by young unlisted companies presents a high risk of loss of invested capital and lack of liquidity.

Under no circumstances can VAVE.io be held responsible for any losses that may result from a subscription made through the Solution.

  • 13 Termination / Unsubscription

13.1. Visitors and Investors can unsubscribe from the Site at any time, by clicking on the dedicated button inside their Personal Space.

VAVE.io then closes the account and deletes the personal information concerning the Visitor or Investor concerned, subject to its legal obligations relating in particular to the preservation of archives. It is specified that the unsubscription of an Investor does not affect the ownership by the latter of the Assets subscribed through the Solution. [When unsubscribing, the Investor will receive an email from VAVE.io inviting them to contact the Issuer (s) of the Assets that they have subscribed or acquired, with a view to continuing their management outside the framework. of the Solution.] 13.2. Issuers can unsubscribe by following the procedure defined by the special conditions reserved for Issuers. 13.3. A Manager or Club Deal may unsubscribe any user from his private space. In any case, the responsibility of VAVE.io can not be engaged neither by the one who is unsubscribed nor by the one who has unsubscribed. Each user is solely responsible for the consents that have made it on VAVE.io VAVE.io provides its technical expertise to streamline and manage the issued and reciprocal consents.

  • 14 Applicable law and dispute resolution

These general conditions are governed by French law. Disputes over the validity, interpretation and / or execution of these T & Cs will be entrusted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the NANTERRE tribunal de grande instance, subject to mandatory procedural rules to the contrary.

  • 15 intellectual property

The systems, software, structures, infrastructures, databases and content of any kind (texts, images, visuals, music, logos, brands, etc.) operated by VAVE.io within the Site are protected by all intellectual property rights. or rights of database producers in force. All disassembly, decompilation, decryption, extractions, reuse, copies and more generally, all acts of reproduction, representation, distribution and use of any of these elements, in whole or in part, without the authorization of VAVE.io are strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal action.

  • 16 Advertising

VAVE.io reserves the right to insert on any page of the site and in any communication to Users all advertising or promotional messages in a form and under conditions of which VAVE.io will be the sole judge. VAVE.io reserves the right to include the Content in its promotional communications, with the aim of highlighting the Users’ experience on the Site. VAVE.io also reserves the right to include in its promotional communications descriptions of the uses of the Site carried out by Users.

17 Advertising

VAVE.io cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the technical availability of websites or mobile applications operated by third parties (including any partners) to which the User accesses through the site. VAVE.io assumes no responsibility for the content, advertising, products and / or services available on such third-party sites and mobile applications which are reminded that they are governed by their own conditions of use. VAVE.io is also not responsible for transactions between the User and any advertiser, professional or merchant (including any partners) to whom the User is directed through the site and cannot in any way case be party to any possible disputes whatsoever with these third parties concerning in particular the delivery of products and / or services, guarantees, declarations and any other obligations to which these third parties are bound.

  • 18 Responsible for the website & legal notices

The Site is edited by VAVE.io VAVE.io can be contacted on the following email: • E-mail address: contact@VAVE.io The Site is hosted by the company [•], whose head office is located [•]. The director of the publication is Mehdi RADI Intra-community VAT number:]

  • 19 Content complaints

Contact information for complaints about content posted by our Members. We respect the intellectual property rights of others. We require members to post accurate information that does not infringe the intellectual property rights of others. We have a policy and complaints procedure regarding content posted by our Members.

  • 20 How to contact us

Our contact details. Our Customer Support also provides information about our Services.

1 Introduction

  • Presentation of the general conditions of use

  • The VAVE.io site is edited and operated by Parallax Partners, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of 400 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 840 510,242 (” Parallax Partners “).

  • Acceptance of the T & Cs

  • These T & Cs govern all access to the Site and all use of the Services, by any User, regardless of their status.

  • Depending on their status, some Users may be required to accept special conditions supplementing these T & Cs prior to any use of the Services.

  • Any access or use of the Site constitutes unreserved acceptance of these T & Cs.

  • VAVE.io reserves the right to modify these T & Cs at any time. The modifications of the T & Cs are opposable to the users of the Site from their posting, but do not prevail over any bilateral agreements previously concluded between VAVE.io and the Users, in the event of contradiction.

  • Each use of the Site by the User constitutes acceptance of the latest version of the T & Cs published on the Site.

  • Users can express their refusal of the modified T & Cs by unsubscribing from the Site in accordance with the terms set out in these T & Cs.

  • Definitions used

  • Terms beginning with a capital letter in these T & Cs are defined below, it being specified that terms defined in the singular must also be understood in the plural.

  • Active means a financial security issued by an Issuer and registered in a shared electronic recording device, in accordance with Articles L. 211-3 et seq. Of the Monetary and Financial Code.

  • CGU designates these general conditions of use.

  • Club deal means any User wishing to create a private space in order to present prospects or Assets to an Issuer, through the Solution.

  • Issuer means any User using the Solution to issue and / or manage Assets.

  • Personal Space means the individualized interface allowing an Issuer or an Investor to access the Services, and access to which requires the use of a username and password.

  • Investor means any User who has subscribed (or been assigned) at least one Asset with an Issuer, through the Solution.

  • KYC Procedure means the User identification procedure carried out by VAVE.io to comply with the obligations of the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

  • Services mean all the services provided by VAVE.io to Users through the Site and / or the Solution.

  • Site means the VAVE.io site

  • Solution has the meaning given to it in Article 5.

  • User means any legal or natural person accessing the Site, whether or not it uses the services provided by it. Users include in particular Issuers, Investors and Visitors.

  • Visitor means any user who has registered on the Site, but does not intend to use the Solution as an Issuer, Manager, club deal or as an Investor.

2 Personal Data Collected by VAVE.io

  • The User expressly recognizes and accepts:

  • – that the data collected on the site and on the computer equipment of VAVE.io is proof of the reality of the operations carried out within the framework of these presents;

  • – that these data constitute the only mode of proof accepted between the parties, in particular for the calculation of the sums due to VAVE.io

  • – have read and accepted the general privacy policy available on the VAVE.io site http://www.VAVE.io and in the appendix to these T & Cs .

  • The User can access this data in his Personal Space.

3 User Declarations and Commitments

Without prejudice to the other obligations provided for in these T & Cs, the User undertakes to comply with the following obligations and certifies that the following declarations are correct:

3.1. The User acknowledges that the Site is only accessible, subject to any restrictions that may be adopted by VAVE.io, to natural persons having full legal capacity to accept these T & Cs and to legal persons acting through the ‘intermediary of natural persons having the capacity to contract in the name and on behalf of these legal persons. A natural person who does not have full legal capacity can only access the Site with the agreement of his legal representative.

3.2. The User undertakes, in his use of the Services, to respect the laws and regulations in force and not to infringe the rights of third parties or public order.

3.3. The User acknowledges that he is solely responsible for the proper accomplishment of all administrative, fiscal and / or social formalities, and all payments of contributions, taxes or duties of any kind incumbent upon him, where applicable in relation to his use of the Services. The responsibility of VAVE.io can in no case be engaged in this respect.

3.4. The User acknowledges having read on the site the characteristics and constraints, in particular technical, of all the Services. He is solely responsible for his use of the Services.

3.5. The User acknowledges that he is solely responsible for the relationships he may establish with other Users and for the information that he will communicate to them within the framework of the Services. It is up to him to exercise the appropriate prudence and discernment in these relationships and communications. The User also undertakes to respect the usual rules of politeness and courtesy in his exchanges with other Users.

3.6. The User acknowledges that he undertakes to respect the confidentiality of all information given to him in the various private areas of the Managers or club deals.

This confidentiality agreement is unilateral and commits the user of the service who would come to access a Private space of a Manager or a club deal. He will be required to keep confidential the information communicated to him by the issuer.

Likewise, all users with a Manager or Club Deal account undertake to respect strict confidentiality on the various member users who are registered in this space. In particular, it is perfectly forbidden to report the presence within a Founding group or club deal of a natural or legal person using this space.

No documents or information transmitted by a User may be disclosed by the Manager or the Club Deal which has received its elements.

3.7. The User undertakes to make strictly personal use of the Services.

3.8. The User undertakes to provide VAVE.io with all the information necessary for the proper performance of the Services. More generally, the User undertakes to cooperate actively with VAVE.io with a view to the proper execution of these presents.

3.9 The User acknowledges that he is solely responsible for content of any kind (editorial, graphic, audiovisual or other, including the name and / or image possibly chosen by the User to identify himself on the Site) that it disseminates as part of the Services (the “ Content ”).

The User guarantees VAVE.io that he has all the rights and authorizations necessary for the distribution of this Content.

He undertakes that the said Content is lawful, does not infringe public order, good morals or the rights of third parties, does not infringe any legislative or regulatory provision and more generally, is in no way likely to put in game civil or criminal liability of VAVE.io

The User is therefore prohibited from disseminating, in particular and without this list being exhaustive:

  • Pornographic, obscene, indecent, shocking or unsuitable for a family audience, defamatory, abusive, violent, racist, xenophobic or revisionist content;

  • infringing Content;

  • Content that threatens the image of a third party;

  • Content that is deceptive, deceptive or proposes or promotes illegal, fraudulent or deceptive activities;

  • Content harmful to the computer systems of third parties (such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc.); and

  • more generally, Content that may infringe the rights of third parties or be detrimental to third parties, in any way and in any form whatsoever.

3.10. The User acknowledges that the model contracts and legal acts that may be made available to him by VAVE.io within the framework of the Services do not constitute legal advice, opinions or consultations.

The User finally acknowledges that the generation by VAVE.io of said model contracts and legal acts does not exempt them from having recourse to the services of a lawyer or other legal professional authorized by law to provide consultations. legal and to draft deeds under private signature. Such a professional is the only one able to adapt the legal documentation to the precise needs of the User. The User acknowledges having been invited by VAVE.io to consult a legal professional in the context of the preparation of this legal documentation.

In any event, the User (when he is an Issuer) recognizes that the subscription by the Investors of the Assets produces legal consequences that it is up to the Issuer to assess and manage. Under no circumstances can VAVE.io be held responsible for the inability of the Issuer to honor its obligations arising from the issuance of said Assets.

3.11. The User acknowledges that it is his responsibility to take the necessary measures to safeguard by his own means the information contained in his Personal Space, of which no copy will be provided to him.

3.12. The User acknowledges that access to his Personal Space and his use of the Services may be temporarily impossible in the event of the occurrence of technical or IT malfunctions, or any case of force majeure (defined as any unforeseeable, irresistible event beyond the control by VAVE.io)

4 Prohibited Behaviors on the Site

4.1. It is strictly forbidden to use the Services for the following purposes:

  • the exercise of illegal, fraudulent or infringing activities on the rights or safety of third parties;

  • breach of public order or violation of the laws and regulations in force;

  • intrusion into a third party’s computer system or any activity likely to harm, control, interfere with or intercept all or part of a third party’s computer system, violating its integrity or security;

  • sending unsolicited emails and / or prospecting or commercial solicitation;

  • manipulations intended to improve the referencing of a third-party site;

  • aiding or inciting, in any form and in any way, to one or more of the acts and activities described above;

  • more generally, any practice diverting the Services for purposes other than those for which they were designed.

4.2. It is strictly prohibited to use inaccurate or fraudulent information to issue Assets through the Solution.

4.3. Users are strictly prohibited from copying and / or diverting for their own ends or those of third parties the concept, technologies or any other element of the VAVE.io site.

4.4. Are also strictly prohibited:

  • (i) any behavior likely to interrupt, suspend, slow down or prevent the continuity of the Services,

  • (ii) all intrusions or attempted intrusions into VAVE.io systems

  • (iii) any misappropriation of the Site’s system resources,

  • (iv) all actions likely to impose a disproportionate load on the latter’s infrastructure,

  • (v) any breaches of security and authentication measures,

  • (vi) all acts likely to infringe the financial, commercial or moral rights and interests of VAVE.io or the users of its site, and finally more generally

  • (vii) any breach of these general conditions.

4.5. It is strictly forbidden to monetize, sell or grant all or part of access to the Services or to the site, as well as to the information hosted and / or shared there.

5 Sanctions in the event of violation of the T & Cs

In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of these T & Cs or more generally, of breach of the laws and regulations in force by a User, VAVE.io reserves the right to take any appropriate measure and in particular to:

  • suspend or terminate access to the Services of the User, author of the breach or offense, or who participated in it;

  • remove any content posted on the site;

  • publish on the site any information message that VAVE.io deems useful;

  • notify any relevant authority; and

  • initiate any legal action.

6 Dos and Don’ts on VAVE.io

In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of these T & Cs or more generally, of breach of the laws and regulations in force by a User, VAVE.io reserves the right to take any appropriate measure and in particular to:

  • suspend or terminate access to the Services of the User, author of the breach or offense, or who participated in it;

  • remove any content posted on the site;

  • publish on the site any information message that VAVE.io deems useful;

  • notify any relevant authority; and

  • initiate any legal action.

.1 To do:

  1. comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, privacy laws, laws relating to intellectual property rights, laws relating to unsolicited e-mail, laws relating to the control of exports, tax laws and regulatory requirements;

  2. provide us with accurate information and update it;

  3. use your real name on your profile;

  4. use the Services in a professional manner.

6.2. Not to do :

  1. create a false identity on VAVE.io, forge your identity, create a Member profile for anyone other than yourself, or use or attempt to use another’s account;

  2. develop, support or use any software, devices, scripts, bots or any other means or process (including crawlers, browser plug-ins and add-ins, or any other technology) to perform web scraping of the Services or otherwise copying profiles and other data from the Services;

  3. override any security functionality or bypass or avoid any access control or use Service limits (such as limitations on keyword searches or profile views);

  4. copy, use, disclose or distribute any information obtained from the Services, whether directly or through third parties (such as search engines), without the consent of VAVE.io

  5. disclose information that you are not authorized to disclose (such as personal data of other people, including your employer);

  6. violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or any other property right. For example, do not copy or distribute (except through the sharing feature provided) posts or any content from members without their permission, which they may give by posting under a Creative Commons license;

  7. violate any intellectual property rights or other rights of VAVE.io which includes, but is not limited to:

  8. copying or distributing our learning videos or other materials or

  9. (ii) the copying or distribution of our technologies, unless they have been released under an open source license,

  10. (iii) use of the term “VAVE.io” or our logos in a trade name, email address or URL, except as described in the Trademark Use Guidelines;

  11. post anything that contains viruses, worms or other harmful code;

  12. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, or generally attempt to obtain the source code for the Services or any related technology that is not open source;

  13. imply or declare that you are affiliated with or sponsored by VAVE.io without our express consent (for example, posing as a VAVE.io approved trainer)

  14. rent, lease, lend, market, sell / resell or otherwise monetize the Services or associated data or access them without the agreement of VAVE.io

  15. create deep links to our Services for any purpose other than promoting your profile or a group on our Services, without the consent of VAVE.io

  16. use computer bots or other automated methods to access the Services, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages;

  17. monitor the availability, performance or functionality of the Services for competitive purposes;

  18. use the technique of “framing”, of “mirroring” or, in general, to simulate the appearance or operation of the Services;

  19. cover or otherwise modify the Services or their appearance (for example by inserting elements in the Services or by removing, covering or obscuring an advertisement included on the Services);

  20. disrupt the operation of the Services or impose a disproportionate load on them (e.g. spam, denial of service attack, virus, game algorithm); and or

violate the Professional Community Policies or any additional terms relating to a specific Service provided, when registering for such Service or when you first use that Service, as well as the VAVE.io terms if applicable.

7 Exemption and Limitation of Liability for the Benefit of VAVE.io

7.1 No guarantee

This constitutes our disclaimer as to the quality, safety or reliability of our Services.

VAVE.io and its affiliates make no representations or warranties regarding the services, including that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free and provide the services (including content and information) “as is ”And“ subject to availability ”. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, VAVE.io and its affiliates disclaim all implied or statutory warranties, including all implied warranties of title, data accuracy, non-infringement, merchantability or ‘suitability for a particular use.

7.2 Exclusion of liability

Limitations on Our Legal Liability to You.

To the fullest extent permitted by law (and unless vave.io enters into a separate written agreement that voids this contract), vave.io, including its affiliates, will not have any liability arising out of this contract for any losses. lost profits or business opportunities, reputation (e.g. insulting or defamatory statements), loss of data (e.g. interruptions or loss of your data or content, its use, or changes made) or any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages.

VAVE.io and its affiliates will not be liable to you in connection with this contract for amounts that exceed:

  • the total amount of fees paid or payable by you to vave.io for the services during the term of this contract, if applicable, or

  • 1000 us dollars.

7.3 Basis of negotiations and exclusions

The limitations of liability in this section form part of the basis for negotiation between you and VAVE.io and apply to all claims for damages (e.g. warranty, liability, negligence, contract and law) including if VAVE .io or its affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damage, and even if such liability remedies do not fulfill their ultimate purpose.

These limitations of liability do not apply in cases of death or personal injury, fraud, gross negligence or willful misconduct, or in cases of negligence due to the breach of a material duty, an obligation substantial enough to warrant it. make the prerequisite for providing services and on which you can reasonably rely, but only to the extent that the damage was directly caused by the breach and was foreseeable at the conclusion of this Agreement and to the extent that it is typical in the context of this Agreement.

8 Description of the Services Offered

8.1 VAVE.io provides a software solution facilitating the issuance of Assets by Issuers, then their administration after their issuance. The Assets are registered in a shared electronic registration system in accordance with Articles L. 211-3 et seq. Of the CMF (the “ Solution ”).

The Solution allows holders of Assets issued by an Issuer to administer them through a dedicated interface. Investors can subscribe to the Assets directly through the Solution, by crediting their Payment Account with an amount equivalent to the subscription price.

Finally, Visitors have the possibility of testing the Solution by simulating the issue or subscription of fictitious Assets.

8.2. VAVE.io does not intervene in the fundraising carried out by the Issuers through the issuance of the Assets, and its responsibility can not be incurred by an Investor because of the subscription by the latter of a any Active. The solution offered by VAVE.io being strictly technological,

VAVE.io does not provide any regulated service.

In particular, the services provided by VAVE.io to Issuers and Investors do not constitute an activity of intermediation in various goods, investment advice or management of collective investment undertakings.

Each Investor must assess the investment opportunities accessible through the Site and determine whether they are appropriate given their investment objectives and financial situation. Each Investor is encouraged to consult a financial advisor before purchasing an Asset.

8.3 Legally, the issuance of the Assets is effected by the completion by the Issuers and Investors of the necessary legal formalities. The statement of the Assets owned by an Investor available in his Personal Space does not constitute the latter’s ownership of the Assets, nor does it constitute proof thereof. In accordance with Articles L. 211-3 et seq. Of the Monetary and Financial Code, ownership of the Assets results from the sole registration in the name of the Investor in the shared electronic registration system; the statement available in the Personal Space which merely reproduces these property rights in a form easily readable by the Investor.

8.4. VAVE.io cannot be held responsible for any breaches by an Issuer of the general rules applicable to companies or the rules specific to issued financial securities, and in particular the regulation of public offers of financial securities.

8.5. As part of the Solution, the Issuers mandate VAVE.io to register the Assets in a shared electronic registration system, in accordance with the provisions of Article R. 211-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code. In this capacity as agent, VAVE.io complies with the provisions of Article R. 211-9-7 of the Monetary and Financial Code and in particular provides Investors with their transaction statements.

8.6. As a supplement to the main service described in these T & Cs, VAVE.io can also provide services for the provision of models of legal acts. VAVE.io can also allow Users, through software, to personalize said models themselves by answering a questionnaire, and to download the documents thus created.

As part of the services described in the previous paragraph, it is specified that VAVE.io is not a law firm and provides neither legal advice, nor legal consultation, nor service for drafting deeds under private signature (within the meaning of Law No. 71-1130 of December 31, 1971).

9 Registration on the Site

The use of the Services requires the User to register on the Site, by completing the form provided for this purpose. The User must provide all the information marked as mandatory. Any incomplete registration will not be validated.

The User guarantees that all the information he gives in the registration form as well as in the KYC forms is accurate, up-to-date and sincere and is not vitiated by any misleading nature. He undertakes to update this information in his Personal Space when necessary. The User also undertakes to communicate to VAVE.io at his request, any supporting documents relating to this information.

The violation by a User of the obligations defined in the previous paragraph authorizes VAVE.io to take one or more measures provided for in these T & Cs.

Registration automatically results in the opening of an account in the name of the User, giving him access to a Personal Space.

The User can access his Personal Space at any time after identifying himself using his login identifier and password.

The User is also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his username and password. He must immediately contact VAVE.io at the contact details mentioned in these T & Cs if he notices that his account has been used by a third party without his knowledge.

  • 10 Tariffs and methods of payment

The provision of the Services to Issuers may give rise to invoicing, the terms of which will be specified in the special conditions concluded between the Issuer and VAVE.io

11 Method of Underwriting Assets in Private Club Deals

  • 11.1. Conditions precedent

  • The issue of any Asset by an Issuer is subject to the completion of various legal formalities specific to the legal nature of the Asset issued.

  • In addition, the completion of the issue may be subject to the lifting of conditions precedent of a contractual nature, defined in advance by the Issuer. In general, fundraising operations carried out through the Solution are subject to a condition precedent relating to the achievement of a minimum subscription amount. This amount is defined by the Issuer and appears in the description of the transaction which can be consulted by Investors.

  • Unless otherwise stipulated in the legal documentation relating to the issue of the relevant Asset, Investors’ subscriptions are received on a conditional basis. They only become final if the aforementioned condition precedent is waived, as well as any other condition precedent stipulated in the legal documentation.

  • If the conditions precedent stipulated in the legal documentation relating to the issue of the Asset are not lifted, the Asset is not issued and the Investors’ subscriptions lapse. The various Investors who participated in the fundraising are then credited with the amount corresponding to their subscription by debiting the account into which the funds were paid.

  • 11.2. Validation of Investors by the Issuer

  • The identity of Investors wishing to subscribe to an Asset being issued is communicated to the Issuer by VAVE.io

  • The Issuer may then decide to prohibit certain Investors from subscribing to its Assets. These choices are made through a dedicated page integrated into the Solution.

12 No Guarantee of Investments Made

  • The User acknowledges being aware that the subscription of financial securities issued by young unlisted companies presents a high risk of loss of invested capital and lack of liquidity.

  • Under no circumstances can VAVE.io be held responsible for losses that may arise from a subscription made through the Solution.

13 Termination / Unsubscription

  • 13.1. Visitors and Investors can unsubscribe from the Site at any time, by clicking on the dedicated button inside their Personal Space.

  • VAVE.io then closes the account and deletes the personal information concerning the Visitor or Investor concerned, subject to its legal obligations relating in particular to the preservation of archives.

  • It is specified that the deregistration of an Investor does not affect the ownership by the latter of the Assets subscribed through the Solution. [When unsubscribing, the Investor will receive an email from VAVE.io inviting them to contact the Issuer (s) of the Assets that they have subscribed or acquired, with a view to continuing their management outside the framework. of the Solution.]

  • 13.2. Issuers can unsubscribe by following the procedure defined by the special conditions reserved for Issuers.

  • 13.3. A Manager or Club Deal may unsubscribe any user from his private space.

  • In any case, the responsibility of VAVE.io can not be engaged neither by the one who is unsubscribed nor by the one who has unsubscribed.

  • Each user is solely responsible for the consents that made it on VAVE.io

  • VAVE.io provides its technical expertise to streamline and manage the issued, received and reciprocal consents.

14 Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

These general conditions are governed by French law.

Disputes on the validity, interpretation and / or execution of these T & Cs will be entrusted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the NANTERRE tribunal de grande instance, subject to mandatory procedural rules to the contrary.

15 Intellectual Property

The systems, software, structures, infrastructures, databases and content of any kind (texts, images, visuals, music, logos, brands, etc.) operated by VAVE.io within the Site are protected by all intellectual property rights. or rights of database producers in force. All disassembly, decompilation, decryption, extractions, reuse, copies and more generally, all acts of reproduction, representation, distribution and use of any of these elements, in whole or in part, without the authorization of VAVE.io are strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal action.

16 Advertising

VAVE.io reserves the right to insert on any page of the site and in any communication to Users all advertising or promotional messages in a form and under conditions of which VAVE.io will be the sole judge.

VAVE.io reserves the right to include the Content in its promotional communications, with the aim of highlighting the Users’ experience on the Site. VAVE.io also reserves the right to include in its promotional communications descriptions of the uses of the Site carried out by Users.

VAVE.io can in no way be held responsible for the technical availability of websites or mobile applications operated by third parties (including any partners) to which the User accesses through the site.

VAVE.io assumes no responsibility for the content, advertising, products and / or services available on such third-party sites and mobile applications which are reminded that they are governed by their own conditions of use.

VAVE.io is also not responsible for transactions between the User and any advertiser, professional or merchant (including any partners) to whom the User is directed through the site and can not in any way case be party to some possible disputes whatsoever with these third parties concerning in particular the delivery of products and / or services, guarantees, declarations and any other obligations to which these third parties are bound.

17 Responsible for the website & legal notices

The Site is edited by VAVE.io

VAVE.io can be contacted on the following email:

The Site is hosted by the company [·], whose head office is located at [·].

The director of the publication is Mehdi RADI

Intra-community VAT number:]

18 Content Complaints

  • Contact information for complaints about content posted by our Members.

We respect the intellectual property rights of others. We require members to post accurate information that does not infringe the intellectual property rights of others. We have a policy and complaints procedure regarding content posted by our Members.

19 How to Contact Us

Our contact details. Our Customer Support also provides information about our Services.

Our contact details. Our Customer Support also provides information about our Services.

APPENDIX VAVE.IO PRIVACY POLICY Version n ° 1 – Last modification on 02/29/2020

  1. Presentation of our Privacy Policy

1.1. At VAVE.io, (we / our / our) we are committed to preserving the privacy of the Users of our Site and the Solution, and more broadly of any natural person who visits our Site and / or to whom we provide other products or services (you / your / your). 1.2. VAVE.io develops and operates a software solution allowing the issuance of Assets on a shared electronic recording device and their management after their issuance. As part of this activity, we are required to process Users’ personal data. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) sets out our practices for collecting and sharing personal data as part of our activities, in particular on our Site and in connection with the provision of the Services, and is intended to inform you about the use of this data and how we share the personal information we process about you.

1.3. The data controller is VAVE.io 1.4. This Privacy Policy is intended to explain our privacy practices and covers the following issues:

  • What personal data are we likely to collect about you?

  • How can we use your personal data?

  • How do we protect your personal data?

  • How to contact us and exercise your rights regarding your personal data?

  • What is our Cookie Management Policy?

  • How will the changes to the Privacy Policy and Cookie Management Policy be made?

2. The information that we are likely to collect about you

2.1. We collect and process non-exhaustively all or part of the following information about you:

  • Information that you provide to us in connection with your use of the Services and the Platform. This information contains, for example, data relating to your registration and your user account (name, username, email address), as well as other contact details such as your address or information relating to your marital status.

  • Information that you provide to us and that we otherwise collect as part of the KYC Procedure. This information contains, for example, for individuals a copy of their identity document, proof of address.

  • Information relating to the Assets. This information includes technical, financial, payment and any other type of data relating to an Asset subscription or transaction relating to Assets, and which relate to you as a Shareholder or Issuer.

  • Our exchanges. If you contact us, we will normally keep a record of this correspondence.

  • Data relating to the Site and the use of your connection. This data including in particular the connection logs and details of your visits to the Site as well as the information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies including, but not limited to, your IP address, the version of your browser and your system. operations, traffic data, location data, web logs and other connection data, and the resources you access.

  1. Use of your personal data

3.1. In this section, we set out the purposes for which we use your personal data collected through the Site and / or in connection with the provision of our Services as well as, in accordance with our obligations under European and national law, the ” legal bases ”on which we rely to process your data. 3.2. These “legal foundations” are set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing the Directive 95/46 / EC (the “RGPD”) which authorizes companies to process personal data only on the basis of the specific “legal grounds” provided for by the RGPD and the national laws adopted for its application such as Law n ° 78 -17 of January 6, 1978 (the “Data Protection Act”). Here are the main legal grounds justifying the use of your personal data:

  • Consent: when you have consented to our use of your personal data (a form to collect your consent will be submitted to you for this purpose and you can withdraw your consent by contacting us as described in the Privacy Policy).

  • Contract execution: when your personal data is necessary for the conclusion or the execution of a contract with you, for example in the context of the provision of certain Services.

  • Legal obligation: when we need to use your information to comply with our legal obligations.

  • Legitimate interests: when we use your personal data to pursue a legitimate interest and the reasons for which we use it take precedence over any infringement of your data protection rights.

  • Legal claim: when your information is useful to us to defend, pursue or make a claim against you, or a third party. 3.3. We process your personal data as responsible

  • To provide you with the Services and allow you to use the Site : in particular to allow you to access the Site and use its features.

  • To communicate effectively with you and carry out our activities : in order to carry out our activities, including to answer your questions, and to communicate with you by all means.

  • Legal basis: contract performance, legitimate interests

  • To provide you with promotional materials : to provide you with updates and offers, when you have opted-in to receive them. We may also use your information to market our own products and services and those of our business partners by post, email, SMS, telephone and fax. When required by law, your consent will be required when collecting your data to carry out these forms of commercial prospecting. You will be given the opportunity to unsubscribe or opt out of any further communication in any electronic advertising medium sent to you, or you may unsubscribe by contacting us in accordance with the “Contact Us” section below.

  • Legal basis: consent, legitimate interest (to keep you informed of news relating to our products and Services)

  • For research and development purposes : to analyze your personal information in order to better understand your service and advertising needs and those of our other Users, to better understand our market and to develop our products and services; produce sales performance statistics, analyze and monitor the audience of our sites and facilitate navigation, as well as those of our dedicated pages on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube).

  • Legal basis: legitimate interests (to enable us to improve our products and services)

  • To carry out KYC Procedures and monitor certain activities : in order to verify in particular your identity and thus ensure your safety and that of other Users, ensure the quality of the Services, fight against fraud and money laundering and against the financing of the terrorism.

  • Legal foundations: contract performance, legitimate interests, legal obligations

  • To notify you of changes : to notify you of changes to our Services.

  • Legal basis: legitimate interests

  • To ensure that the content of the Platform is relevant : to ensure that the content of the Site is presented in the most suitable way for you and for your device, which may include the transmission of your data to business partners, suppliers and / or service providers.

  • Legal basis: legitimate interests (to enable us to provide you with content and Services on the Site)

  • To reorganize or make changes to our business : in the event that: (i) we are subject to negotiations regarding the sale of our business or part of it to a third party; (ii) we are sold to a third party; or (iii) we are undergoing a reorganization, we may be forced to transfer your personal data to the relevant third party (or its advisers) as part of any audit process in order to analyze any proposed sale or reorganization. We may also need to transfer your personal information to this reorganizing entity or to a third party after the sale or reorganization so that they can use it for the same purposes as defined in this policy.

  • Legal basis: legitimate interests

  • As part of legal or regulatory obligations : under their legal obligations to fight fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing, we and our payment providers may process and combine your personal information to comply with our regulatory requirements or to engage with authorities as appropriate, which may include disclosing your personal information to third parties, law enforcement, law enforcement and / or regulatory authorities in connection with requests, proceedings or investigations by these parties all over the world.

  • Legal foundations: legal obligation, legal claim, legitimate interests

  1. Transfer, storage and security of your personal data

  • security

A. Security 4.1. No data transfer on the Internet or on the Site can be guaranteed against intrusions. However, we maintain physical and electronic protection measures to protect your personal data. 4.2. The recipients of this data are the legal and commercial services of VAVE.io 4.3. VAVE.io reserves the right to communicate some of your personal data to the Issuers of the Assets for which you have expressed an intention to subscribe, as well as to its subcontractors, service providers or administrative or judicial authorities, within the framework of the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, and to the extent necessary for the accomplishment of the missions entrusted to them. 4.4. All the information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers or those of our contractors and is accessible and used in accordance with our security policies and standards. When we have provided you (or when you have even chosen) a password which allows you to access certain sections of our Site and certain Services, it is your responsibility to keep this password confidential and to respect any other safety procedure required. We ask that you do not share your password with anyone.

  • Data transfer outside the EEA

B. Transfer of data outside the EEA 4.5. Your personal information may be viewed, transferred and / or stored by our staff or suppliers in a location outside of the country in which you are located, whose data protection laws may be of a lower level than those in your country. In this case, we are committed to protecting, in all circumstances, your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 4.6. When we transfer personal data from the European Economic Area (EEA) to outside the EEA, we may need to take specific additional measures to protect the personal data concerned. Certain countries outside the EEA have been considered by the European Commission to guarantee a level of protection equivalent to that guaranteed by EEA data protection laws, and therefore no additional guarantees are required for transfer personal data to these countries. In countries that have not received these approvals, we will implement appropriate safeguards for such a transfer, for example by using standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, 4.7. If you would like a copy of the specific safeguards that apply to the transfer of your personal data, please contact us as indicated in the “Contacting Us” section below.

  • Retention periods

C. Retention periods 4.8. Our retention periods for personal data are based on our business needs, the length of our contractual relationship with you, and legal requirements. We keep personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes pursued by the collection of personal data and for any other authorized related purpose. For example, we may retain information relating to your user account for the duration of the Services we provide to you, certain information relating to subscriptions or transactions involving the Assets until the expiration of the applicable limitation period, or to comply regulatory requirements concerning the retention of this data. When personal data is no longer required,

  1. Your rights & how to contact us

  • Publicity

A. Advertising 5.1 You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for commercial prospecting purposes. We will notify you if we intend to use your personal information for such purposes or if we intend to disclose your information to a third party for such purposes. You can exercise your right to object to such processing by not checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your personal data. You can also exercise this right at any time by contacting us as indicated in the “Contacting us” section below.

  • Updating your information

B. Updating your information 5.2. We will do our best to ensure that your personal information is accurate. In order to assist us in this regard, you must notify us of any changes to your personal information that you have provided to us by contacting us as described in the “Contacting Us” section below.

  • Your rights

C. Your rights 5.3. For any questions relating to the use of your personal data, please contact us as indicated in the “Contact us” section below. Under certain conditions, you have the right to ask us to:

  • Provide you with more details on the use made of your personal data;

  • Provide you with a copy of all the information you have provided to us;

  • Update any errors in the information we hold;

  • Delete any personal information that we no longer have the legitimacy to process;

  • Where processing is based on consent, withdraw your consent so that we can end that particular processing;

  • Oppose any processing based on a legitimate interest, unless the reasons for which we have undertaken this processing outweigh any prejudice to your data protection rights;

  • Limit our use of your data when a complaint is being investigated; and

  • When the Data Protection Act is applicable to you, define directives on the fate of your personal data after your death.

5.4. The exercise of these rights is subject to certain exceptions for reasons of safeguarding the public interest and our interests (eg the protection of professional secrecy or compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations). If you exercise one of the rights listed above, we will study your request and respond to you within one month on average. 5.5. In the event that you are not satisfied with the use made of your personal data or with our response to the exercise of one of your rights, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Informatique et des Libertés (the “CNIL”) either directly online on the CNIL website: https://www.cnil.fr/professionnel or by post by writing to the following address: CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07, or any other competent national data protection authority in the Member State of the European Union in which you reside.

  • Contact us

D. Contact us 5.6. For any questions relating to this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the following email address: contact@VAVE.io

  1. Cookie management policy

6.1. We inform you that, during his visits to the Site, one or more cookies may be installed automatically on your browser software. Cookies are data stored in your terminal equipment and used by the Site to send information to your browser, and allowing this browser to send information back to the originating site (for example a session identifier, the choice of a language or date). Cookies are used to store status information when a browser accesses different pages of a website or when this browser subsequently returns to this website. The Visitor can refuse the installation of cookies by following the procedure indicated on his browser. In this case, the use of the Site and access to the Services could be altered, or even be impossible.

  1. Modification of our Privacy Policy

7.1. We are subject to change our Privacy Policy at any time. When it comes to significant changes, we will notify you directly or clearly indicate this on our Site.

Last updated